Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is that the World Trade Center

This morning while walking Riley to Wash Sq Park I was stopped by a tourist. Short, squatty man, round as a beach ball with a camera slung over his neck and the prerequisite white socks. (Do they hand these socks out at Newark??) Anyway, we are waiting at 6th Ave & 8th St to cross and he points down 6th Ave towards some office buildings and says:
Tourist: Is that the World Trade Center
Me: Uh, no those don't exist anymore (Maybe you saw it on the news back in 2001 - it was kinda a big deal)
Tourist: Oh, they haven't rebuilt them yet.

Now, I know he is a tourist so he isn't preevy to the local news but "Jeez, dude....really?" Those idiots (developers, builders, Port Authority and the victims families could agree on the color of the sky)

We go to the park and there is the sweetest little dog named Snickers. Odd looking dog with one eye circled in brown and the other just white. However, the pink around the white eye ended up making ole Snicker looked deformed or at the very least like he had pink eye. Anyway, I digress...

We are walking home from the park down 4th St or no what the heck street is that?? Anway.....and this guys cuts across in front of us and I look and realize he has a goat/lamb in a plastic bag. Skinned, bloody, whole with head and eyes and everything in a plastic clear bag slung over his shoulder and just waiting to be butchered. GROSS. Now I'm not naive I know my meat comes from live animals. But I prefer to think that they are just shrink wrapped and meat in the store not a live animal - happy and frolicking in the fields until it is shot in the head.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bailin Palin

Why won't this woman just go away? She just gave the most rambling speech saying she would and now it seems she was lying - again. Nice waders by the way Bailin Palin. I refuse now to call her anything else.
Quitter never win and Winners never quit. Jeez I never thought I'd see the day when Republicans just quit when the going go to tough. I'm sure Reagan is proud.
Things I've learned since she quit:
she went through 5 colleges (I'm sorry community college - yeah she is THAT smart) then quit the Alaska Oil Who Really Cares before becoming Governor where after, as her lawyer stated, 'she worked for two and a half years SOLID' before quitting on a Friday, July 3rd hoping it wouldn't get noticed. you are dumb.....a Governor just quit....that's news Bailin Palin no matter who you are.
Oh and another thing I learned while she was Governor of Alaska she refused to live in Juneau.
You know Juneau, the capitol, where all state business is attended it was better for Bailin Palin to stay in Wasilla that hotbed of political activity. And and and then had the balls to charge the state a per diem for each day that she wasn't in Juneau.
Ummmm maybe this is why your approval rating dropped from the 80s to the 50s.
Or maybe it was charging the state for your children's travel.
Or maybe the fact that you have had nothing to do with running the state.

Go away. Take your hillbilly, community college educated, C student, dumbass and go away.
The days of Americans wanted to be lead by the stupid is gone.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Holy Cow

I totally forgot about this blog. That is until google found it for me today. Me and the monster still running around the city. Today we went to Washington Square Park (you know the one that just spent 16 million on renovations, yes you read that right 16 MILLION, 5 MILLION just to align the fountain with the George Washington Arc) yikes anyway. We hung out listening to a jazz quartet. I snagged a good photo of him - not an easy thing to do, he always turns his head at last minute.

Very disappointed that no one invited me to have flag cake this weekend. Nor did any of my friends seem to have flag cake. Disappointing. Sam and I are going to make a pie soon. I love pie - fruit, nut, cream??? Who is to say - I say fruit, but I think Sam wants cream.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Now I have to think of interesting things to say.
I'll just take photos of Riley about town.